Port Douglas Junior Crocs U13s ready for grand final showdown this weekend


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The talented Crocs gear up for an unforgettable grand final showdown. Picture: Port Douglas Junior Crocs

The U13s Port Douglas Junior Crocs AFL team's journey to the grand final this Sunday, 25 August, in 2024 has been a well-earned achievement, showcasing the dedication of these young athletes. 

Starting the season with aspirations narrowed down to simply making the finals, the team has exceeded expectations, finishing the home-and-away season in second place on the ladder with an impressive record of 13 wins and just one loss over 14 rounds.

This talented squad, consisting of only 18 players and supported by a bench of promising U11 youngsters, has displayed unwavering determination throughout a season filled with both challenges and triumphs. Their hard work and commitment in training, coupled with their ability to adapt during games, have been pivotal in securing their well-deserved spot in the grand final.

As the grand final approaches, excitement is building within the community. Under the guidance of passionate coach Scott Radley, who has been instrumental in nurturing the team’s talents, the Crocs are ready to leave it all on the field. 

Their success is not just about the final game, but the collective effort and perseverance that has brought them to this pivotal moment. The grand final is more than just a match; it is a celebration of their dedication, teamwork, and the camaraderie they have built throughout the season. Regardless of the outcome, making it to the grand final is a monumental achievement for these young players and a proud moment for our club, their families, and supporters. 

The U13s are set to face off against the South Cairns Cutters at Cazalys Stadium on Sunday, August 25, at 9 am. All Crocs supporters are urged to attend and cheer them on as they chase victory. 

For those unable to make it, the game will also be live-streamed at streamer.com.au/league/aflcairns.

In other news, the Port Douglas Junior Crocs recently celebrated individual achievements during the AFL Cairns annual 'Juniors Presentation Awards Night' held at Cazalys on August 19. The event highlighted the contributions of 22 nominated players and volunteers, a testament to the strength and community spirit of the club.

Special congratulations go to the following members for their recognition at the awards ceremony:

  • 2024 Junior Coaches of the Year: U9’s Coaches, Rory Kelliher & Gavin Jacks
  • U13s Coaches Most Valuable Player: Zac Moore
  • U13s Team of the Year Players: Zac Moore, Harley Hennessy, Quade Sims, Kobe Roulstone, Tom Kitch
  • U15s Team of the Year Players: Joey Callipari, Anton Callipari, Cadel McKay
  • U17 Girls Coaches Most Valuable Player: Tatiana Finlan
  • U17 Girls Team of the Year Players: Tatiana Finlan, Luca Roulstone, Charlene Mene, Nyra Laflamme-Korte, Hazel Kitto, Xanthe Burford
  • U17 Boys Team of the Year Players: Brae Agrums, Zayne Moore, Kai Karamatic

Additional recognition is extended to U13s coach Scott Radley and U17 Boys coach Brad Cooper, both nominees for ‘Youth Coach of the Year’, along with Bridgette Montagnese, recognized as 'Volunteer of the Year.'

*This article is contributed by Janice Ruffles - Secretary Port Douglas Junior Crocs AFL Football Club Inc.


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