Over $7 million for Douglas Shire unsealed road repairs following flood damage


Jules Foxlee


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Aerial view of Junction Road in Mossman during the Cyclone Jasper floods in December 2023. (The upcoming repairs will target unsealed roads, as opposed to the sealed road shown in the image). Picture: John Hirten

Over 90 of Douglas Shire’s unsealed roads damaged in last year’s flooding events are on track to be repaired by the end of the year, weather permitting.  

Works will take place across two zones – south of Daintree and Daintree to Cape Tribulation.

Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon said the repairs would bring relief, and an economic boost, to the local community.

“For many people these roads have been a daily reminder of the damage caused by the flooding in December,” she said.

“The repairs will assist residents to move forward and bring a sense of normality back to their lives. This is about reconnecting our community and restoring our road network after the devastating events of December last year.”

“The two road projects were put out to tender, and we are pleased that Cassowary company MC Group has secured the work south of the Daintree River.”

“Contractor Gulf Civil will engage with local traffic control and subcontractors through Council’s Register of Interest for repairs being undertaken north of the Daintree River. The company will also provide a boost to the economy with staff brought into the area, living locally while the work is completed.”

Michael Conolly, MC Group Managing Director said investing in local infrastructure, and local business was vital.

“Funding in roads and infrastructure is vital to small towns and communities,” he said. 

“It brings investment into the area and when awarded to local contractors it means that the money stays in our local economy. The more local the company, the greater the impact.”

“My wife and business partner Amanda and I are proud of our employees, our local expenditure and our support of clubs and events. This project will enable us to continue to support the community that supports us.”

The package, worth over $7.25 m, is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments through Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) Cyclone Jasper Recovery Works program.

A complete list of roads assigned for repair is available at https://douglas.qld.gov.au/huge-investment-in-unsealed-roads/.\

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