From LEGO bugs to TEDx talks: Cooya Beach’s Steven Gill aims to change our view of insects


Giada Pestillo


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Steven Gill shares his passion for insects at TEDx, highlighting their vital role in our ecosystems. Picture: Fi Mims

In a world where the smallest creatures often go unnoticed, Steven Gill from Cooya Beach is on a mission to shift our perspective on nature’s tiniest wonders. Mr Gill is transforming how we connect with these often-overlooked creatures through innovative education and compelling storytelling.

Steven Gill, a passionate advocate for nature's smallest creatures, achieved a significant milestone when he was invited to give a TEDx talk. His journey to the TEDx stage is a story of dedication, creativity, and a deep love for insects, but let’s go back to ten years ago.

Mr Gill was a tour guide, leading tourists through lush, vibrant ecosystems. Despite his enthusiasm for insects he often faced indifference from his audience. “I’d point out these incredible insects, and people would just shrug them off,” Mr Gill recalled. This lack of interest sparked a critical question: “How do you photograph something that nobody’s gonna look at?”

Determined to answer this question, Mr Gill began experimenting with his photography. By integrating LEGO figures into his insect photos, he created a unique visual appeal that transformed ordinary bugs into captivating subjects.

“Every time someone appreciated my work, it made me want to do it again, take another photo, build something bigger,” he explained.

A chance meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic would soon propel Mr Gill’s mission further. Pop star Katy Perry, visiting Port Douglas at the time, was known for her love of LEGO. Seizing the moment, Mr. Gill shared his LEGO-inspired bug creations with her. Perry was impressed and encouraged him to “share this with the world,” marking a turning point in his journey. 

Mr Gill’s TEDx talk further amplified his mission and garnered significant recognition. During the event, he showcased stunning insect photographs while explaining their vital roles in ecosystems. “We take for granted most of the bugs we encounter, not understanding their tremendous impact on the environment,” he said.

The community response has been positive. After one presentation, a local farmer admitted: “Before your talk, I saw these bugs as just nuisances. Now, I understand they’re crucial to the health of my soil and crops.” This feedback reinforced Mr Gill’s belief in the power of education to shift perspectives.

“My challenge is to make adults understand that these creatures are not just for kids to be fascinated by,” Mr Gill said. “We need to recognise their vital roles in our ecosystems and learn to appreciate them.”

Through his TED talk and community initiatives, Mr Gill encourages us all to appreciate the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary, reminding us that even the tiniest creatures play a profound role in our world.

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