Eyesore yacht wreck removed


David Gardiner


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Council removed an ‘eyesore’ yacht wreck from the Port Douglas foreshore a short time ago. Picture: Newsport

An old yacht washed ashore on the beach behind St Marys By The Sea in Port Douglas had townspeople worried that it might still be there presenting an eyesore for thousands of visitors arriving soon for this year’s Carnivale.

But Douglas Shire Council was able to remove the yacht a short time ago.

A local resident and Newsport reader confirmed to us the wreck had been taken away when he went for his regular walk this morning.

Clearly showing signs of major damage to its two outrigger hulls, or ‘floats’, the trimaran recently had a removal notice stuck to it, after Council became aware of its presence.

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said Council had hoped to have the wreck removed by this weekend, well in time before Carnivale which starts on May 19.

But favourable weather and operational conditions meant the old yacht could be removed even sooner than planned.

It’s not known where the washed up yacht originally came from, and whether or not it was abandoned at a mooring or elsewhere.

“Council officers are still trying to locate the owner,” Mayor Michael Kerr said.

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