Fears grow for missing Daintree River king, "Scarface", as disappearance stretches past two weeks


Michael Warren


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Where are you Scarface? the long time boss of the Daintree River hasn't been spotted for close to two weeks. Picture: Solar Whisper

One of the most on iconic, loved and revered crocodiles in the Far North has sparked major concern after not being spotted along his usual habitat for a record number of days.

Long time king of the Daintree river, 70 year-old “Scarface”, has usually been located fairly often by local tour operators over the past two decades however he’s not been sighted since around February 11.

The much adored croc’s ongoing absence, which has now stretched past two weeks, has some increasingly worried about his whereabouts.

As it stands he may simply be laying low, he’s had an incident with another croc or thirdly and one conclusion no one wants to come to - he may be possibly deceased.

“Another day passes without the king, his longest absence in 26 yrs,” David White said who operates Solar Whisper crocodile tours down the Daintree River.

“I’ve been out past midnight, looking for him for the last 2 weeks now. 

“I witnessed what may be a working out of the new boundaries. “Bung Eye” and “Big Nick” in the middle of the Kings’ territory.

“Perhaps sorting out exactly where the new boundary will be. Of course I can be wrong, and I hope very much so that I am.”

Hundreds of followers of Solar Whisper’s social media pages have also left comments of support in the hopes the long time boss of the Daintree River will re-emerge as soon as possible.

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