Tropical gastronomy takes flight: Osprey's Restaurant soars with new innovative menu


Jamie Jansen


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New Head Chef Greame Miles transforms Osprey’s Restaurant with an innovative tropical-inspired menu. Picture: Thala Beach Nature Reserve

Good news for foodies who seek a remarkable dining experience amidst the treetops overlooking the Coral Sea. Osprey’s Restaurant at Thala Beach Nature Reserve has recently unveiled an exciting new menu inspired by the restaurant’s tropical surroundings.

With the chef's specialty featuring a twice cooked pork hock share plate or the scallop ceviche infused with bettel spice and bacon, it guarantees an unforgettable culinary experience.

The menu is carefully curated by recently appointed Head Chef, Graeme Miles, who aims to provide a culinary experience that celebrates the essence of the tropics.

“The rainforest and the surroundings are full of edible fruits, vegetables and herbs and with a little patience they are very easy to grow,” Mr Miles explained.

“Thala’s onsite garden is always full and on-site produce is regularly used in the restaurant, whether in the food, or flower displays.”

A tropical heaven

Mr Mile’s culinary journey has taken him across various continents, from Europe and London to Asia, Australia, and his homeland New Zealand.

Reflecting on his culinary ventures, Mr Miles expressed, “After working at a number of local places including Tamarind restaurant and Palooka, an opportunity arose to work at Thala”.

“Working in an environment where the products you need are not at the end of the phone line but down in the on-site kitchen garden offered me a refreshing challenge and learning curve.”

Fresh delights

Centre stage at the freshly curated menu are the fruit and vegetables grown on site alongside native herbs found on bush walks across the privately owned headland.

“Osprey’s ‘primitive elegance’ concept and thoughtfulness towards eco sustainability and organic philosophy has placed Thala Beach Nature Reserve on the global stage for many years now,” Mr Miles said.

“We hope to discover more ways to support local and indigenous foods and techniques, so that our customers both local and international can enjoy and experience Ospreys with us.”

Osprey's Restaurant offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner service seven days a week.
For those looking for an informal drink and simple taste options Thala has weekly Sunday Sundowners from 4pm - 7pm featuring bar snacks and cocktail specials. To view the menu and make a reservation click here.

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