TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT: Port Douglas car v bike collisions sees timely safety reminders issued


Michael Warren


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Two recent car v bike, minor collisions in Port Douglas has led local Police to issue a safety reminder about proper road safety measures. Picture: QPS

Douglas Shire Police has moved to remind bike riders of crucial, safe operating processes in the wake of ongoing concerns about the potential for more serious incidents in Port Douglas.

The local Police’s want to talk about the issue comes off the back of two car versus bike incidents earlier this month that could have led to more potentially fatal outcomes.

In or around July 10 a bike rider was struck near the corner of Nautilus and Mitre St, while another separate incident took place within a few days of that accident.

These close calls has led local Police to ensure best practice is taken, particularly by overseas residents, who aren’t necessarily familiar with Australian bike laws – to be extra careful on local roads.

“Port typically is quite a transient community and at any one time has quite a few backpackers in the area completing their 88 days (Visa requirements),” Port Douglas relieving Officer-in-Charge and Sergeant Ben Tome explained to Newsport.

“In European countries bike riders have a lot more freedoms and right of way per say, then here in Australia, where riders have designated lanes and specific areas to ride along.

“It’s crucial and I would make this reminder, if you’re riding a bike, please ensure you are wearing a helmet, that you don’t have music headphones in, that you aren’t using a mobile phone while riding and that you aren’t riding side by side.

“I would further remind riders, to be extremely aware of their space and before making left or right hand turns on main streets or roads to ensure there is no oncoming traffic. Before turning just as you would in a car, check your blindspots, be cautious and act safely.

“We don’t want further instances where a bike rider has collided with a car or vice versa. There is room for everyone, but commonsense and safe habits must come into play.”

Unmanned stations

In more recent times a number of Port Douglas residents have suggested they haven’t been able to contact local Police by telephone. Douglas Shire Police has reminded residents that if the matter is not urgent please contact 131444 or if it’s an emergency please dial 000.

Stolen car

Meantime, the hunt continues for a car that was stolen from Port Douglas a number of days ago. If you’ve seen or know the whereabouts of a black Subaru with a license plate of 333ZKB please contact Douglas Police or Policelink.

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