Mossman State School celebrates 125 years - plus other school news


Jamie Jansen


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Special guests and school leaders cut the 125 year anniversary cake. Picture: Mossman State School

From its small beginnings as Mossman River State School in 1898, Mossman State School has evolved and grown to become a school of choice in our district.

Yesterday, Tuesday 31 January 2023, the school shared their 125th birthday with the whole school population, the community and past students and staff.

Head of Teaching and Learning, Sharon Case, said it was a lovely morning hearing stories from the past and catching up with old school mates and work colleagues.

“We look forward to further sharing our celebrations with everyone in June,” she said.

“On Friday 23 June we will host a Welcome Dinner followed by a FETE on Saturday 24 June.

“One highlight we are looking forward to is the digging up of the time capsule buried at the 100th celebrations, prior to burying a new one full of new memories and items for the 150th celebrations in 2048.

“It has been an enjoyable journey down memory lane, collating our school’s history.”



Port Douglas State School is starting the new school year with a brand new Escape Room. Students are excited to try and save Chewbacca who’s been captured by Darth Vader.

Following on from the success of last year's very first escape room, Miss Kelda has created a new one ‘Star Wars” style.

The excitement has already begun as students race around at lunch time to find the hidden keys that will give them access to their turn in the challenge.

According to Ms Kelda, the main goal of the escape room is to grow and develop social skills and relationships as students work with peers that they normally wouldn’t choose to.

“The Escape Room is linked to current curriculum content and also uses many general capabilities such as critical thinking and problem solving,” she explained.

“It’s easily adjusted for different age groups and the tasks can be adjusted for specific classroom content that needs extra development.

“Students are learning what they need to learn without actually feeling like they are learning. It’s out of the four walls of the classroom so it’s fun and engaging.”


Mossman State High students, staff and invited guests assembled on Monday 30 January for an official ceremony to celebrate the induction of their Senior Class of 2023.

This ceremony was also to acknowledge the Junior and Senior Leaders, the Junior and Senior Dux for 2022 and the Year 7 Scholarship recipients.

Mayor Michael Kerr presented the leaders with their badges as they took their official oath of office. The ceremony was followed with parents and leaders being invited to stay for a morning tea with staff to celebrate the occasion. 


The school had the pleasure this week of hosting Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 parents for morning tea to welcome them back to the new school year.

Principal Kym Bennett said this is a great opportunity for parents across year levels to meet and network over a cuppa.

“We're looking forward to hosting the other year levels over the coming weeks,” she said.

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