LIVE MORNING FLOOD COVERAGE: Douglas Shire continues to take small steps after horrendous one-in-hundred-years flood disaster


Michael Warren


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CARNAGE: Bretto from WindSwell Kitesurf and Standup Paddle took this incredible picture a short time ago showing the hammering the Captain Cook Highway took during the recent cyclone and flood here in the Douglas Shire. Picture: Bretto

1.40PM: For our continued coverage be sure to follow our afternoon LIVE edition here:


12.33PM: Locals band together to ensure Douglas Shire kids don't go without this Christmas

Some kind hearted Douglas Shire locals have joined together to ensure children in the Douglas Shire don’t go without this Christmas.

Amy Jeffery and the Jacks’ have created a Facebook page where locals and others can go to donate childrens’ toys or gifts so Douglas Shire kids can still enjoy the spirit of Christmas in 2023. Newsport understands Mossman Anglican Church is the drop off point for any toy donations.

1pm until 5pm today, 9am-5pm tomorrow, collection for affected families from 12-4pm on Friday.

To get involved or to donate please visit


11.39AM: Mossman Mt Molloy road latest - Port Douglas to Mt Molloy

In a great development Newsport can now officially confirm Mt Molloy road between Port Douglas and Mt Molloy is now open.

A source told Newsport just moments ago that heavy flood debris and trees have been cleared which now allows access between Molloy and Port Douglas. The ongoing road access along the Mulligan Highway between Molloy and Mareeba remains unknown. Can any of our lovely readers tell us if the road between Molloy and Mareeba is open, drivable and accessible?


11.23AM: 421 Rescue helicopter paramedics treat patients in Daintree

The 421 rescue helicopter has just landed in Cape Tribulation with two paramedics treating a number of locals for ear infections and cuts sustained from the recent flood event.

Two Police were also dropped off near Cow Bay and they’ll be duty in the area over the next few days.

A major alert for Ayton, a small town of about 100-200 people just north of Wujal Wujal – the town has NO fuel at all. It desperately needs of more fuel to be deployed into the small town that encompasses the Cook Shire. Can anyone help?


11.10AM: Emergency financial flood assistance grants

Those in the Douglas Shire needing financial assistance due to the ongoing impacts of the recent cyclone and flood are encouraged to click the link below to see what's available.


11.04AM: Douglas Shire power outages and updates

As it stands 1238 customers in the Douglas Shire continue to be without power due to the ongoing impacts of Ex Tropical Cyclone Jasper and the ensuing once in 100 years' flood event.

Those still currently effected include locals in the Daintree, Forest Creek, Finlayvale, Miallo, Mossman, Rocky Point, Whyanbeel, and Wonga Beach.


10.42AM: Douglas Shire water access

Those needing access to water in the Douglas Shire are encouraged to visit Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre at 6-10 Mowbray St Port Douglas. There is bottled and available water to take home with you.

We understand there may not be readily available drinking water in the Douglas Shire until tomorrow.

Update: Council says valves broke that affects the access to Port Douglas residents gaining water. Council says it expects water to be restored to Port Douglas by mid tomorrow morning.


10.34AM:The very latest – Julatten, Rex Range road update, supplies and water update

Just seconds ago Newsport received the latest information from Douglas Shire Police boss Damian Meadows about differing matters regarding the Douglas Shire.

  • Julatten, Rex Range road access: As it stands, the road remains closed. At this very minute geo-engineers continue to inspect the integrity of bridges along this piece of road. Local Police and engineers are completely focused on ensuring their inspections are thorough to ensure no incidents to motorists once this roadway is open again. Sgt Meadows says there is no timeframe on when the Julatten, Rex Range road will re-open, with the Sgt reiterating it will be closed as long as it’s deemed unsafe and undrivable.
  • Work continues on the Captain Cook Highway between Port and Cairns. In a statement released just a short time ago MC Group Pty Ltd said: “MC Group is working with Roatek to clear the Rex and Captain Cook Ranges. At this stage the priority is to get the Rex Range open within a few days to get supplies into the Douglas Shire," a MC Group representative said. “The Cook Highway is looking like it could be four more weeks or more due to the large scale of damage. “MC Group is working around the clock to make sure this is done as promptly and as safely as possible."

Supplies: Some limited food supplies were brought into the Douglas Shire with Coles in Port Douglas receiving a limited amount of goods for residents to purchase.

Water: The local disaster management group in the Douglas Shire is due to meet in 30 minutes (11AM)  to discuss water matters. Gaining accurate, up to date information from Douglas Shire Council around when water will be readily accessible and available to those across the Shire, particularly in Mossman and Wonga beach has been extremely difficult.

As soon as Newsport gains information about local water accessibility we’ll bring it to you straight away.

ADF and miltary assistance: Members of the Australian Defence Force successfully relocated a number of Wujal Wujal residents yesterday that were stranded on top of roofs due to rising flood waters caused by our recent flood event. They’ve been deployed to Cooktown. The ADF and military will now assist with other big jobs around the Shire.


9.56AM: Good Morning, I’m Newsport editor Michael Warren, welcome to our ongoing live coverage of this once in a hundred years major flood disaster that continues to have lasting impacts on the Douglas Shire.

Stay with us right throughout the day as we continue to bring you all the latest information about this continually unfolding situation.


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