Hot wheels; Trolley problems solved with $1,000 giveaway


Paul Makin


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Hot Wheels. Residents are tired of seeing trolleys discarded around town. IMAGE: Paul Makin, FAB FM

They are part of the Douglas Shire landscape. Those shopping trolleys that are useful when you're in the Supermarket, but plain ugly when people steal them from the retailer and just dump them anywhere.

The 'litter' on wheels is a major headache for our local Coles, Woolworths and IGA.

The locking wheel devices on the trolleys are being disabled as some are found many kilometres from stores. The stolen trolleys are not only making the streets and public spaces untidy, but also have negative social and environmental impacts. 

Trolleys left on the street or kerbside create safety risks for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. Dumped trolleys can clog rivers, drains, creeks and culverts.

Recovering trolleys is time-consuming and sometimes risky depending on the location.

Many councils have declared war on abandoned trolleys including the Douglas Shire Council.
Mayor Michael Kerr has told Newsport that he has no patience with people who carry out this sort of 'shoplifting’.

Councils might hate it but the Trolley Tracker people love working for major retailer Woolworths across Australia.Trolley Services Australia provides a unique service all over the nation including Woolies at Mossman.

Coles and IGA have their own posse's out on the trail. Chris Ford from Trolley Tracker has told Newsport that Woolworths nationally spends tens of millions a year on trolleys.

"Australians generally consider shopping trolleys to be public assets and not belonging to a retailer and they should be able to do anything the want with them”

To encourage locals to report trolleys in the wild Trolley Tracker is offering to put spotters in a draw to win a $1000 prize.

Go to or call 1800 641 497


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