Wildlife Habitat introduces two brand new immersive animal experiences


Lisa Keller

Feature Writer

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The addition of the Private Croc Feeding Encounter and Your WildNIGHT Nocturnal Private Tour promises visitors thrilling and unforgettable adventures. Picture: Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas

It’s one of Port Douglas’ most popular tourist attractions and now Wildlife Habitat is upping the ante once again with the addition of two new immersive experiences. 

Renowned for its hands-on and educational activities, visitors can expect the same exciting and unforgettable adventures with the introduction of the Private Croc Feeding Encounter and Your WildNIGHT Nocturnal Private Tour.

Both tours have been introduced to not only offer guests a chance to get up close and personal with the wildlife but to also educate and offer valuable insights into the behaviour of the animals, particularly the Saltwater Crocodile who is often gravely misunderstood.

Wildlife Habitat Assistant General Manager, Sybella Salter said the tour was a natural next step in adding to their current experiences. “The Private Croc Feeding is another opportunity to educate and allow locals and visitors the involvement to experience the thrill of nature and the sheer power of these incredible and often misunderstood reptiles.”

She continued by stating the significance of education through these experiences. “It’s about sharing the importance Australian native wildlife plays in balancing our ecosystems. Wildlife need our assistance to protect them and by sharing knowledge and expertise, we are educating the world one person at a time on the importance of these animals, how to stay safe around them and reduce your risks in living alongside native wildlife.”

Led by the expert croc team at the Habitat, courageous guests partaking in the Private CrocFeeding Encounter will delve into the world of these ancient reptiles by being just mere meters away from the apex predator in a gripping 30-minute feeding session. 

The encounter will not only get the heart racing but also educate about the immense power of the crocodile, their hunting techniques, and survival strategies leaving you with a profound appreciation for these magnificent creatures along with a keen understanding of the challenges they face in the wild.

For those who prefer not to meddle in the world of formidable predators the Your WildNIGHT Nocturnal Private Tour. Offering exclusive after-hours access to the wildlife park, this enchanting 2-hour expedition immerses guests in the secrets of the night. Armed with torches, participants will have the rare opportunity to witness firsthand the behavioral changes of the animals once the sun begins to set. 

Guided by expert commentary, visitors gain profound insights into the ecological significance of these creatures and the urgent need to preserve their habitats.

The two new tour additions add to the already expansive offerings at Wildlife Habitat and are available now - if you dare.