EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: First Douglas Shire trucks arrive in Gordonvale, cane being transported into trains for future processing


Michael Warren


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The first trucks have arrived in Gordonvale, ready to deliver the cane to trains, which will then take it across to Mulgrave Mill. Video and picture: Michael Warren

What a sight it is. Just moments ago Newsport was present to see the first of many trucks offloading the sugar cane it has transported down the Captain Cook Highway from the Douglas Shire into Gordonvale.

For the past six months, Douglas business chamber, Douglas Shire Council, local stakeholders, residents and some politicians have advocated and lobbied hard to ensure this season’s harvest doesn’t, or didn’t go to waste.

Thankfully just days ago it was confirmed the State Government had provide close to $6M to support transport costs to ensure this year’s harvest goes ahead.

Over the next few weeks up to eight trucks per day will bring the cane down to Gordonvale, where it will be then loaded on to cane trains.

From there, it will travel across to Mulgrave Sugar Mill for processing.

Newsport’s exclusive video, taken just moments ago, shows Douglas Shire cane being loaded in Gordonvale in preparation for processing.

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