LETTER TO ED: 'Pipeline from Quaid Dam (suggestion) would not get past the tea lady of State Government' - Bruce Clarke


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Is State or Federal funding the solution to the Douglas Shire water woes? Picture: Supplied

Dear Editor,

Douglas water problems go back quite a few years. During my term as a Councillor from 2013-2016 I often expressed the importance of the upgrade and maintenance of the Douglas Shire water supply infrastructure.

The Douglas Shire has enjoyed years of a very moderate growth rate. This is one of the major reasons for the constant upgrade and maintenance of water and sewerage infrastructure. The first thing to look at is the source of the supply. Mossman - Port Douglas water is sourced from Rex Creek.

The northern beaches and Daintree come from other sources. The Rex Creek intake could also be supplied by taking a moderate amount from the Mossman Gorge without any affect on the environment. This, of course, would be blocked by radical activist stupidity, but could be achieved. 

The amount of water any community can take from its source is governed by a State Government licence and it is very hard to increase the amount of water for this licence.

This has been tried in the last 10 years or so, and has been declined. Water being the most essential commodity for life on the face of this earth, it is in my opinion that any body who takes away or limits the supply of water to a community is close to committing a criminal act.

With all due respect, I think a pipeline from Quaid Dam would not get past the tea lady of State Government.

The second thing is the funding of upgrade and maintenance of the infrastructure.

This of course could be done by applying for funding from State or Federal sources. It could also be funded by a long term loan agreement. This kind of funding can of course be written off over the years. More than 90% of Councils work on an operational deficit. 

Douglas is one that shies away from this. I have no idea why, as it is a very successful method.

The new 20 mega litre reservoir behind Craiglie is supplied from Rex Creek also. The water supply for this reservoir could come from the Mowbray valley sources.

A smaller water purifying plant could be constructed at the reservoir site depending on Council's ability to get grant funding. This project would of course be subject to the very difficult state licensing. Maybe impossible.

I do think we have enough sources of water supply for now and quite a long way into the future. The biggest problem is the impossible acquisition of the state licence.

In my opinion, if the upgrade and maintenance of the water supply had been done as a long term operational works program we would not be in as much trouble as we are now.

However, the damage done by the December Cyclone and floods could not be guarded against, but with previous upgrade and maintenance of the infrastructure, this damage would have been limited.

I do hope that some of this information helps.

Kind regards,

Bruce Clarke

  • A reminder the views and opinions expressed in this piece are those of the author and author only and do not reflect those of the editor or Newsport staff.

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