Basketballers turn up the heat at Sheraton
Port Douglas Junior Basketball

The Port Douglas Heat juniors celebrated their presentation night in extravagant style on Sunday, November 24 at the Sheraton Mirage Resort.
After a long challenging season, the Port Douglas Heat juniors were able to let their hair down and celebrate the year it was. The juniors were lucky enough to have the event hosted in the Sheraton ballroom where they could all dress up, glam out and enjoy the celebrity life for a few hours.
Each age group had an array of awards given out, celebrating the group’s growth and development over the year.
Multiple coaches stated “it’s an awesome way to wrap up a season, and seeing the joy on the kids’ faces is the cherry on top”.
“It’s great for the kids to be able to see not only each other but their coaches in a different light,’’ one added.
With 2024 being a very up and down season for the club the committee went the extra mile to make sure that all kids left happy and keen for a bounce back year in season 2025 where the club looks to regain the momentum of past years.
The club and all its hard-working coaches, managers and committee members now get to enjoy their much-deserved Christmas break to freshen up for a massive season 2025. Preseason training will commence in mid to late January before the official season kicks off in mid February.

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