WEATHER WATCH: Flash flooding eases as rain slows overnight
Wet Season

Flood waters have subsided overnight at several bridges in the Douglas Shire region including Bushy Creek at Julatten, Anich's Bridge near Mossman and Bloomfield Bridge in the Daintree area.
Rain eased in the district overnight following a dumping in many areas yesterday (Tuesday, March 18).
The Bureau of Meteorology gauge at Whyanbeel Valley has recorded more than 430mm in the past four days, while the Low Isles gauge has recorded more than 320mm.
At White Cliff Point, more than 220mm has been measured in the same period.
The BOM forecast for Port Douglas today is a “high chance of showers, most likely in the late morning and afternoon”.
At Pebbly Beach, in the Oak Beach area, the Captain Cook Highway is operating under reduced lanes northbound towards Port Douglas, with delays expected, according to Queensland Traffic.
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