FLOOD WATCH: Bushy Creek flooding cuts Mount Molloy Road


Last updated:
The Bushy Creek traffic camera at 11.56am today. Picture: Queensland Traffic

The Bushy Creek Bridge on Mount Molloy Road is currently flooded following persistent rain across Douglas Shire during the past 4-5 days.

And several other roads are also subject to a Queensland Government flood watch alert, with flooding reported on the Captain Cook Highway at Oak Beach at 12.15pm today.

The Bruce Highway between Cardwell and Ingham is also currently closed due to flooding.

At Bushy Creek, the Queensland Traffic camera showed the road underwater at 11.56am today (Tuesday, March 18).

Emergency services advise all drivers to proceed with caution through any areas with water on the road, and to not drive through flooded areas.

There are Bureau of Meteorology flood warnings out for several watercourses including the Daintree and Mossman rivers.


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