WATCH THE VIDEO: Daintree Village locals push for overgrown park to be better maintained

Public Spaces

Byron Filmer

Junior Reporter

Email Byron
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Frustrated Daintree Village locals say they have requested for Douglas Shire Council to cut back overgrown weeds and shrubs that have become an eyesore at the town’s boat ramp.

The once-shady park was ravaged by floodwater in December 2023, leaving the terrain jagged and covered in large amounts of sand. 

The flooding also destroyed a large section of the carpark, which has since been repaired, and took out an entire concrete foundation from the nearby caravan park.

More than a year on, the spot that once hosted a table and a number of trees has been taken over by dense grass and weeds, detracting from the otherwise picturesque scenery.

Video shows that the vegetation spans all along the back side of the carpark extending towards the cow paddock behind.

Fed up locals have offered to cut down the undergrowth to a manageable level so the council can easily maintain the area more regularly.

Resident Vincent O’Flaherty said it was ridiculous something had not yet been done, saying “it would not happen in Port” (Douglas).


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