WEATHER WATCH: Wet conditions looking likely for rest of week
Rain Gauge

The Douglas Shire region has had a soaking of rain in the past three days, with more daily falls predicted across the next week.
Rain gauges throughout the region have registered big totals from Saturday, March 15, to Monday, March 17, including close to 280mm at Low Isles, more than 370mm at Whyambeel Valley, about 180mm at White Cliff Point and close to 110mm at Cooktown Airport.
Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Felim Hanniffy said today there had also been more than 300mm in the Daintree region in recent days.
And the bureau is predicting particularly heavy falls in some parts tomorrow, with Port Douglas expected to cop anywhere from 30-100mm.
“The first half of the week will be particularly wet, with daily rainfall potentially reaching 200mm in some areas,” a BOM release about the entire Far North Queensland region states.
“The Daintree and Cassowary Coast are expected to see the heaviest falls, with localised pockets of heavy rain possible.”
“Areas from Rollingstone to Cooktown could also experience significant rainfall, with the potential for localised heavy falls due to thunderstorms and other local influences.”
There is also the possibility of a tropical low forming in the Gulf of Carpentaria, according to the BOM.
Showers and thunderstorms are forecast to become more widespread in coming days and rain may be heavy at times through the northeast Queensland tropical coast and the Gulf of Carpentaria.
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