VIDEO: Cane train crash surfaces as Mossy Mill memories collected
Mossman Mill Sale
It was a day of high drama in Mossman on September 16, 2020, when a loaded cane train and a steel delivery truck collided in Front Street.
Photographer and rail historian Ian Arcus was on hand to capture the chaos that ensued and has shared his shots and video footage now as he collates a photographic record of the Mossman Mill, which hit the market this week.
“Do you remember the chaos in the middle of Front St, Mossman, when a loaded cane train, hit a delivery truck loaded with steel products that was waiting to turn right into Mossman St, however it was astride the railway crossing?’’ Ian asks.
“The result was chaos as the train was loaded and unable to stop, resulting in both locomotives on the train being derailed and cane bins being derailed also, resulting in their loads of cane being spread over the multi way intersection.
“All Emergency Services rapidly responded, and Mossman Mill staff rapidly deployed with support equipment including cranes to assist in cleaning up the scene.
“Police were forced to divert traffic and initiate Contra traffic flow procedures, around the front of Mossman Hardware.’’
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