New bridge for Daintree is coming
Noah Creek Crossing

A vital new bridge and bypass, which will improve access to the Daintree community, has been put out to market.
Douglas Shire Council is calling for tenders for the Noah Creek project.
The bridge across Noah Creek suffered significant damage during the flooding that immediately followed Cyclone Jasper in December 2023.
The bypass will be built to carry all traffic during construction of the new bridge.
Funding for the bridge and bypass project will be sought under the joint Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, with work set to start in May subject to successful funding and weather permitting.
Mayor Lisa Scomazzon said this was an important project for both residents, tourism operators and the transport industry.
“The Noah Creek bridge provides a vital link between Cape Tribulation through to Wujal Wujal, other Daintree communities and the rest of the Douglas Shire,” Mayor Scomazzon said.
The Council is also planning works at Lees Bridge, Taylor’s Crossing, Woobadda Bridge and minor works packages to smaller culvert structures.
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