New Double Island resort a step closer

Tourism development


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The iconic Double Island is familiar to anyone who has driven from Port Douglas to Cairns.

Double Island will be turned into a “forward-thinking eco-tourism” venture, with the State Government paving the way for further development there.

The site of the former resort on the island - which everyone who has driven along the coast between Port Douglas and Cairns would know due to its iconic twin-hill shape - was last week reclassified from reserve land to freehold.

The Government can now turn the island into a “premier tourist attraction” by signing “fit-for-purpose commercial leases”, according to Regional Development Minister Dale Last.

"We know the community has immense pride in this local gem and they've advocated strongly for the restoration of Double Island for both locals and visitors," Minister Last said.

"Converting the island to state-owned freehold land gives us stronger powers to negotiate commercial leases and ensure leaseholders provide world-class tourism offerings.”

Barron River MP Bree James was also excited about the move.

“Stay tuned - big things are ahead for Double Island,” she said.

"This is a new era for an island treasure that far-north Queenslanders know and love."


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