YOU SAID IT! Thank you to our local businesses
Letters and comments

Just a quick note of appreciation for the local businesses who have been giving it their everything to supply produce to the community throughout this wet season.
Scommazons Farm Store and the local butchers have been working tirelessly to keep up with demand...and whilst the main supermarkets are empty one can't help but feel a deep gratitude for the abundance of our region.
A wonderful reminder to keep shopping local even after the roads open and shelves fill up again!
Is an American and Australian Alliance worth it?
Bruce Dargavel
YAWN!!!.....Yet another Crispin "anti-everything Trump" article!
Pick another target because right at this time DJT is exactly what America and the world need.
Paula Constanzo
Silly question - better one would be if it's worthwhile to cancel AUKUS while Musk -oops I meant Trump is in change.
Alf Craig
Let's see; We are to pay the UFSA $Billions to supply us with nuclear submarines that will be crewed by UFS Navy submariners and maintained by UFSA specialist Technicians. With the sweetener the UFSA gets to dump its nuclear waste somewhere as yet to be specified in Australia.
Joey Stevens
Champagne socialists love to denigrate solid allies in their hope for a revolution thinking that one day the "uneducated" can experience their vision of "utopia", like China or North Korea, or maybe Venezuela. It just hasn't been done right yet they say. I was alive when the Berlin Wall fell in 1990, and for East Germans the prospect of being united once more after decades of Communist rule was the freedom they were looking for.
Traders tackle Mossman mayhem head on
Chelsea Malinas
Maybe it's time to have a broader discussion about disadvantage? The town is hurting due to the impact of Jasper, closing of the Mossman Mill and the housing crisis...
Overcrowded homes impact on capacity, closing the gap isn't having the desired impact, despite the funding allocated...
I look forward to participating in the advancement of working together to resolve our social issues together.
Wayne Opie
Where are the parents of these juvenile offenders? Black, White, Yellow or Brown it doesn’t matter the colour, anti social behaviour is just not acceptable.
Brooke S Tar
Surely this is a typo: "Police say they have adequate numbers,’’ Mr Kempton said. Adequate number of police, just not after 2am? Doesn’t seem adequate if you ask me.
Bev Rossignoli
Easy fix card for all on Centrelink. Then they can’t buy booze. If you want booze get a job.
Christopher Saint
Key sentence in this story seems to be “no police patrols after 10pm”. I thought Crisafulli was going to be “tough on crime”? Why aren’t some of the new police they’ve recruited in Cairns being assigned up here? Policing is a state responsibility isn’t it?
Oxox Luwanah
Well, if 90% of the community didn't oppose the youth village plan in Daintree, surely something could have been done. Yet here we are, trying to find a solution while having to read a lot of these smart-alecky comments putting Black people in one basket as if we are all the same. Maybe that $30 billion would have been better spent on this program. Maybe you guys need to reconsider the idea, Mossman/Douglas Shire Council, don't you think? Gosh, people make me laugh.
A legend remembered
Richard Murphy
RIP Kerry, he made quite impression when I first started as a green instructor.
Amber Dahlberg
Aww Kerry an absolute legend and an amazing man, some great memories with him in the 80’s when I was growing up in PD on the water
Simon Wonnacott
Such a great man. RIP my friend.
Sally Sherlock
RIP Kerry, a lovely man. Fun memories back in the Quickie days, Mowbray parties ………. Condolences to the family
Faye Lilley
Very sad to hear of Kerry’s passing. A lovely bloke and many fun times back in the day. Kerry and Quicksilver Dive sponsored our first outrigger racing uniform in the early 90s. Condolences to family. RIP Kerry
Andy Vance
Loved the way he fit right in amongst his employees, great to talk to and had a keen eye for fun adventures. Condolences to his family and friends.
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