Goodbye to a true Great Barrier Reef icon

Douglas Remembers

Shaun Hollis

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Kerry Eckersley is being remembered as a pioneer of the Port Douglas diving industry. Picture: Jay Eckersley

Port Douglas locals are mourning the loss of a pioneer of the diving industry, Kerry Eckersley.

Kerry, who died last week after a long illness, was one of the first scuba diving instructors in Far North Queensland, and was a key person behind starting the diving arm of what is now Quicksilver Group.

Son Jay says his father was one of the original teachers of scuba in the area.

“He introduced thousands of people to diving,” Jay says.

Kerry’s underwater career stemmed from his love of travel - he visited nearly every corner of the globe throughout his life.

He took Jay sailing near the Kimberleys when his son was just 12 years old.

“I remember driving up a river and having a shower under a waterfall when he edged his boat underneath,” Jay says.

Born on June 28, 1950, Kerry was described as a “good bloke” and a “good dad”.

Jay says he loved the Far North Queensland region.

“He was really invested in Port Douglas.”

Former real estate agent and close friend Phil Holloway also remembers Kerry as a “very good dive instructor”.

“He was one of the pioneers of scuba diving in Port Douglas,” Phil says.

He had his own “big aluminium boat” when he first started teaching, but really came into his own during his Quicksilver career.

“Nothing compares to Quicksilver,” Phil says.

Kerry also liked to visit the Whileaway cafe on Macrossan Street every day with his mates.

“We’re sorry to see him go,” Phil says.

Whileaway worker Louise Calkwell remembers her friend and customer fondly.

“I met Kerry 37 years ago - him dressed all in his crisp, white captain boat uniform in the marina, me a 21-year-old backpacker,” she says.

“He was so much fun, always laughing, always smiling - a genuinely nice, nice man.

“I will miss him so much, but he’s not in pain anymore, thank goodness.

“He will always be in my heart.”

Kerry is survived by Jay and his two other children Jackson and Sophie.


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