FLOOD VIDEO: Devastation captured by POLAIR of flooding in Townsville region
Far North Queensland Floods
Douglas Shire can spare a thought for those in Townsville and Ingham hit hardest by flooding which continues to cause issues for supermarket transport throughout Far North Queensland.
In scenes similar to those experienced in the Douglas region in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Jasper in December 2023, roads are cut off and families have a nervous wait to see if waters will rise once again with more heavy rains forecast.
Vision released by Queensland Police from Polair this morning shows the city already under pressure from floodwaters.
Late yesterday more than 60 State Emergency Services (SES) personnel from South East Queensland left Brisbane to provide support to North Queensland.
It followed additional flood boat operators arriving in Ingham earlier in the day.
There had been more than 480 requests for assistance from the SES in the 24 hours to 6pm Monday.
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