YOU SAID IT! A storm in a teacup?


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The BOM has warned there is potential for four cyclones to form over Australia in coming days.

Keeping up with the weather


Terence Smith

Please be prepared and stay safe.

Sara Mulcahy

Tourists love a good cyclone yarn.

Daniel Charles

Funny how many people laughed before the last cyclone too. How did that turn out?

Jj Bugman

It is the North Queensland any thing could happen be always prepared.

Leeanne Perez

It's always left till the last minute and they clean the shelves out when the media alerts them. Everything should have and could have been prepared weeks ago. It's the Far North Wet Season - It's a given I thought?

Raylene Ann

A ridiculous sensationalistic warning of a very slight chance we will have a cyclone here. You know as we all do most of them blow out to sea. If it was a chance it would hit us the BOM would give validated warnings as they did with Jasper. Ludicrous.... All this post does is scare tourists from this beautiful part of Australia. Sensationalistic reporting

Geoff Field (in response)

No it’s not. They are reporting what the police are saying.

Everley-Eliza Cooper

Raylene Anne you made the accusation that “they want the least amount of tourists up here”. What an ABSURD statement to make. It doesn’t make their jobs “easier” as you claim. There are no jobs if that were truly the case. Half locals that seem to have an opinion for the “locals” that actually live here. This information has been provided by the QLD Police Service for a reason.

Alf Craig

Merely heed the heads up and make sure you and those dear to you have everything in place you and they need to survive in the event the worst does visit us... And if it doesn't eventuate... great eh!


Served up some dodgy tax policy


Christopher Saint

To me this is just the extension of more of the same, i.e. nothing new or innovative that might take us forward positively towards 2050. There is no long term bipartisan planning on the big issues that face all of us and most of all the next generations. Both sides of politics are broadly bereft of any new ideas all they worry about is what might get them elected not what is best for the country. Generally, it’s about trying to balance the books in a way that a year 8 student would find uninspiring. LNP - cut expenditure by targeting certain sectors, especially government. ALP - increase income by raising taxes. Sad eh? They are lucky we are forced to vote in my opinion. End of rant.


Polls says Australia Day stays


Pamela Howie

Sooo happy!! Definitely keep 26 January!!

LeTigre Nicolle

Of those 96 ppl, do you know how many are indigenous?


“Lies” about microgrid money


Paul ‘Yipo” Ypinazar

Shocking news! Who would've believed such a thing?

Lydia Rani

Good riddance. Done nothing for North Qld.

Caroline Bloomfield

19 million for 300 people

Warren Collins

Would not have thought anything different…


Valued service needs volunteer drivers


Therese Maloney

A great initiative x

Anita Short

Does the free service only apply to those under 65? It would be great if it could be extended to the above 65s


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