YOU SAID IT! Questions over "training village"
Letters and Comments

Bob and Mel Millard
Not the right place for it.
Graeme Dudley
Yeah right "youth training centre," you better shear some more sheep, you are running out of wool.
Sarah Smith
Sounds very much like a juvie centre to me
Jungle Drum: How to climb a slippery slope
Tracy Hay
Communication seems to be an issue with Council - am hearing lots of folk in contact with council for all sorts of issues get absolutely no response or feedback unless they repeatedly ask. It’s a very frustrating one way street. Hopefully our new councillors can make a difference and get the communication channels functioning?
Russell O’doherty
Lawrence well put. Unfortunately the Daintree community is lacking strong leadership within the community, leadership to pull the community together to unite the community to fight for the betterment of the community on a local and state level. I remember in the early nineties the community united to fight the greenies - they blockaded the ferry for months they had placards from the ferry to Cape Trib. Baileys Creek Community league fought for the community for nearly 40 years and achieved so much for the community including getting the fuel rebate system from the federal government. There are so many other things that have been achieved because of strong leadership in the past, and it can happen now and in the future if people are prepared to step up and do the hard work to fight for the betterment of the community. Use your elected State and Council representatives to fight for a better outcome and life for the Daintree community.
Neil Jabs
Agree - positive communication amongst all stakeholder residents is a structured way forward. Action results are needed not just talk or to say everything is fine. I see a lot of professional people sitting on their hands with no drive, no forward planning and no motivation. The DSC has to re-amalgamate to form a stronger more sustainable council both practically and most of all financially. It cannot continue in its archaic inefficient trajectory. Since Cyclone Jasper we ratepayers have had very little debrief on road repairs, ferry options, even general maintenance. Heck the Mossman Botanical gardens is a joke and they don’t even mow it. Lobby to build a bridge and end the financial drain on ratepayers. Ferry operations, administration, inefficiency maintenance, wages etc is not the future.
Snake bites shuttle bus driver in public loos
Susan Berg
That’s exactly where a young lady got bitten 2 years ago and my grandson got bitten as he stepped off the beach the same day.
Samantha Ross
Hope he’s okay. They’re definitely around - had one removed from my backyard three months ago.
Date in sight for finish of Alexandra Range landslide fix
Tony Jillian Compton
Great news. Very welcome news for North of the Daintree.
Vicki Bidwell
Great to hear. Cheers to everyone involved and to the patience and understanding of our guests.
Lawrence Mason
Bloody awesome work by DSC. Compared to the Cook we are kicking goals!
Readers plea to keep 1080 out of Douglas
Hilary Kuhn
Do not allow landowners or council to use 1080! The impacts near the township of Mount Molloy were extensive and so destructive in a wildlife corridor where total populations of Quolls, Dingoes, Goannas were wiped out. Bird populations like the Blue-winged Kookaburra and other carrion-eaters have declined significantly. Domestic dogs also became victims. From what I know, it is illegal to use 1080 baits within a 6km radius of townships in Queensland.
Sarah Sykes
Are you serious? I thought that stuff was banned.
Sandy Lee
No!! That's a cruel and stupid idea!! Leave the dingos alone!!
Andy Vance
Sounds like a poorly constructed plan in a high residential area?
Tonia Rose
It's been banned in many countries but Australia is 50 years behind !! It's a cruel , disgusting bait and is inhumane.
Jimmy Astill
1080 is one of the most destructive chemicals you could introduce into an area, especially one as sensitive as ours. It’s a pyramid effect that streams down the echo system. Any other creature that eats an animal's body after it’s decomposing is affected. And so on and so forth.It’s one of the reasons we’ve seen birds of prey wiped out in regions. Of course I’d rather no one did but use a bullet…. use anything else but 1080!!
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