NEWSPORT NEWSFEED: Local Op-shops call for back to school donations
Tuesday, January 28
The 2025 School year is just around the corner and The St David's Anglican Church Mossman Op-Shop has made the call to locals for the donations of any school uniforms no longer used to help support families in need. Any uniforms donated will be given away free of charge with the Port Douglas neighbourhood centre also receiving a number of the uniforms to fulfil their own needs.
Gillian Vance from the Op Shop spoke on the need for donated uniforms. “We have always accepted school donations but this year we have decided to put a much larger focus on the uniforms,”
“Especially last year we found that there was a much higher need with not enough supply so any extra donations are incredibly appreciated.”
The Op shop aims to have uniforms set aside for students in need all throughout the year and are grateful for returning families who continue to donate uniforms as their children grow.
“We always have some uniforms stored apart from the shop so when people come looking for uniforms we can provide them, but for that to happen we need donations.”
The St David’s Anglican Church would also like to remind those in need of uniforms that the Op Shop is open on Wednesday and Friday 9am-12pm and Saturday 7am-1pm.
Slashing red tape for teachers
The Crisafulli Government has today announced three major areas of red tape reduction for teachers, delivered as a result of the Red Tape Reduction Working Group.
Red tape across behaviour management plans, procurement and recruitment are the first three actions to be delivered as part of the government’s plan to reduce the administrative burden on teachers by 25 per cent over the next four years.
Reducing unnecessary red tape and regulation to empower teachers and allow them to spend more time teaching and less time on paperwork is a key commitment of the Crisafulli Government and delivers on a pledge from the 100 Day Plan.
The first meeting of the Teacher Red Tape Reduction Working Group - held late last year - brought together school principals, heads of principal associations, unions, school business managers representatives, and parent representatives to help set the agenda and decide the initial actions.
Teachers and school leaders will be encouraged to provide further feedback on red tape pressures in Queensland state schools during Term 1 with consultation to include face-to-face and virtual forums, an electronic survey, and school staff will be invited to send their ideas in writing.
A wealth of feedback received from state school principals and teachers has helped inform the changes which include:
- Introducing a “one-plan-per-student” approach to student needs management assessments to reduce the burden under the current policy which requires numerous duplicative plans per pupil.
- Simplifying time-consuming procurement processes by reducing the number of quotes required for low value, routine purchases. This will improve efficiency and reduce paperwork, while ensuring value for money is maintained.
- Launching a single point of contact for teacher recruitment to make the process faster, easier, and more efficient for principals.
Labor’s legacy for Queensland’s education system is one that left students and teachers without the resources needed to succeed, leaving the state lagging behind the rest of the nation in education standards.
Minister Langbroek said reducing red tape was part of delivering a Fresh Start for Queensland and empowering our teachers in the classroom.
“These first three red tape reduction measures are just the tip of the iceberg in ensuring teachers and school staff receive the support they need to deliver a world class education for Queensland kids,” Minister Langbroek said.
“Reducing red tape is a key priority of the Crisafulli Government and is critically important in our schools and we’re not wasting any time removing the burden from teachers.
“I want to assure teachers that this government has a deep respect for their profession. They can expect to see constant momentum on slashing existing red tape, and a commitment to preventing more from appearing.”
Patrick Murphy, President of the Queensland Association of State School Principals, welcomed the Minister’s commitments.
“What educators are pleased to hear is the commitment to a sustained long-term focus on red tape reduction so that over time requirements don’t continue to creep back in for teachers and school leaders which impact on the education we can provide to Queensland students,” Mr Murphy said.
“Red tape can be generated at different levels from the classroom to the staffroom and across the department. I’m pleased that this initiative is looking at solutions across all levels.”
Scott Wiseman, CEO of Queensland Association of Parents and Citizens Associations, said red tape reduction is not only in the interests of teachers, but it will also benefit students and parents.
“What parents want most is teachers in the classroom teaching and principals leading their school. To achieve that, teachers need to be able to stop or delegate some of the other tasks that are currently asked of them,” Mr Wiseman said.
Mark Breckenridge, President for the Queensland Secondary Principals’ Association, welcomed the announcement.
“Reducing unnecessary compliance activities is a sign of trust in the professionalism of our educational leaders. Principals have absolutely welcomed that and will lead the implementation of any changes in their schools and have great ideas about what works,” Mr Breckenridge said.
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New kids on the block
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