YOU SAID IT! Slinky the ultimate survivor
Letters and comments
Lisa Lopez
Well done slinky! Take a rest darling it’s been hot out there.
Mim Hayward
That's one tough little dog.
Jo Westgate
I love this story.
Gaye Rudolph
How wonderful.
Amanda Haines
He’s a happy sleepy sausage now he’s back in the safety and love of his home.
Cold reception to Crispin’s column
Russell O’Doherty
It is impossible for oceans to rise in isolation. The world's interconnected oceans cover three hundred and sixty-five million square kilometers, also if you factor in the massive amount of evaporation that takes place daily this is just scare mongering.
Ben Bernard
In summary, the heavy ice melting is going to sink Antarctica and cause everyone to die, and those that question this narrative are fossil fuel misinformationists. And if you want proof look at the gas that makes up 0.04% of our atmosphere co2 , which has risen 12ppm in 24 years. It concludes by saying scientists should be publishing more scary things in a scary ways so you're more scared. Neglects to mention if human co2 emissions stop today entirely, it would take a minimum of 100years to see a possible result. Co2 has a life cycle and ultimately ends back in the ground. Nox gases remain in the atmosphere and are known as greenhouse gases, although this article mentions cfc reduction in a feel good way, it fails to look at any other greenhouse gases that are often increased as a way of decreasing co2. Gaslighting the people evidently gets more funding than solving problems for scientists and journalists. The world needs more engineers and less journalists.
Joe Ker Elliott
If the risk was real there’s no way any bank in the world would allow a 30 year mortgage on a waterfront property. Their risk assessment teams simply would say no.
Bruce Dargavel
All the doom and gloom climate science experts predictions have ended up on the scrap heap of poor guesses since the '70s. Somebody will get one correct one day...... till then keep throwing darts at the board.
Dion Brown
When waterfront property values fall, you can start believing in climate change.
Lawrence Mason
You would have to wonder why funding gets pulled for things like renewable microgrids, wouldn't you Crispin?
Restaurant tip theft leaves bad taste
Terence Smith
What a low act.
Janet Cox Missenden
Ian Glanfield
New trend for 2025, customers getting the tips. This man is a hero ! A modern day Robin Hood. !
Stacey Wilkinson, responding to Ian Glanfield
yeah - nah mate. Not at all.
Anonymous - Supplied by Zinc Restaurant
I’m sorry your tip jar was raided. Please remember the thousands of good people you have served and don’t let the actions of one bad one change your behaviour or steal your joy - that would make your world smaller and darker. There is still more good in the world than bad if you choose to look for it. Stay kind and keep shining.
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