NEWSPORT NEWSFEED: Record result for Mossman’s top student
Monday, December 16

The results are in, and a new benchmark has been set at Mossman State High School following the release of the Year 12 results for senior studies.
Ace student Niamh Zillfleisch received an incredibly high ATAR of 96.05, the highest ATAR ever achieved by a student at Mossman High.
The ranking put her in the top 3.95 per cent of graduating students across Queensland.
Cops get on their bikes for summer holidays
Police motorbikes will be out in force across the state after the Queensland Police Service launched summer road safety campaign Operation Mistletoe.
With the aim of reducing road fatalities across Christmas, more than 30 motorcycle officers were there to launch the operation.
The community can expect more police on Queensland roads until January 27, which includes about 110 covert and overt motorcycles fitted with mobile radars to help combat speeding and dangerous driving.
At last count, 288 people had lost their lives on Queensland roads and more than 6000 people have been seriously injured or are facing long-term trauma and hardship.
Can't pay the ferryman … until we know if they'll make that size
Douglas Shire Deputy Mayor Roy Zammataro says the council won't be able to pay for the new Daintree Ferry if there is not enough interest from private enterprise. FULL STORY
Taking a bite at president gig
Meet the new president of the Port Douglas Crocs AFL team. FULL STORY
Worlds collide for our “death row dingoes”
A pair of young rainforest dingoes which frequent the Port Douglas Sports Complex are “on death row’’, one of their self-appointed protectors has emotionally confirmed. FULL STORY
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