Mixed views on Macrossan Street speed drop
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News that the speed limit is soon to be lowered in Macrossan Street, Port Douglas, has been met with mixed reaction from the people with a box seat to what takes place in the busy high street.
Traders have differing opinions on the combination of a 40km/hr section of Macrossan Street from Davidson Street to Grant Street, and then 30km/hr for the remainder of the main street trading street through to Wharf Street.
Either way, the days of 50km/h down the main drag are numbered, with the planned drop set to be in place by December at the latest.
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Here’s what traders have had to say when we caught up with them in Macrossan Street ahead of the Department of Transport enacted speed changes.
Kate Dillon: I think it’s a good thing. There’s not a lot of pedestrian crossings along the street and people are crossing in lots of places. It’s not that big of a difference in speed and we’re a cruisey town here.
Aarlie Olsen: Yes, it probably needs to be dropped. I see some cars coming around the corner (from Davidson Street) at a fair pace. There’s a lot of pedestrian traffic and it will make it safer.
Pam Lewis: It doesn’t make sense that half the way along the street you can do 40km and then 30km for the other half. I think 30 is unnecessary. There’s a pedestrian crossing down there so I think 30km is a bit of overkill and 40km for the whole way would be fine.
David Middleton: I don’t spend much time out the front of the shop so don’t see it. But when people first get here they can be a bit heavy on the foot but they soon slow down.
Christine Callander: It’s confusing. It used to be 40km and I was surprised when it increased to 50km. 40km all the way would be fine.
Pete Gilmour: As long as it is clearly signed it is probably a smart thing to do. There’s a lot of foot traffic in the street.
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