Cheers to four years - Kubirri celebrates with heartfelt festivities


Jamie Jansen


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Resident Ronald joined in the celebrations and loves the sense of community at the centre. Picture: Kubirri Aged Care Centre

Kubirri Aged Care Centre recently marked a significant milestone, celebrating its 4th anniversary with a cheerful barbeque attended by residents, staff, and family members. 

When the Centre opened its doors four years ago in 2020, it was the result of over 20 years of dedication and effort from passionate community members who had campaigned extensively for proper aged care services in Mossman.

The milestone marked by the Centre's 4th anniversary certainly didn’t go unnoticed. In celebration, the anniversary festivities transformed the central garden space into a vibrant gathering area, with a barbeque attended by residents, staff and some of the resident’s family members

Residents and staff took the opportunity to reminisce about the Centre's journey over the past four years, sharing memories of the construction period and the excitement surrounding the Centre’s opening.

Among those reflecting on the experience was resident Pam, who expressed her happiness about living at Kubirri. 

“I’m glad to be at the Centre. It is a nice place to live, and I enjoy the company of the fellow residents in my wing,” she shared. Pam highlighted the sense of community, adding, “We have got a good community going on.”

Maria, the Centre’s Lifestyle Coordinator, was also among the first staff members to join when Kubirri opened its doors in 2020. 

She reflected on the sense of connection and community that make life at the Centre special.

“We have met so many people along the way and connect well with them and their families,” Maria shared, reflecting on the strong bonds formed over the years.

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