Iconic CREB track reopens to adventurers after repairs from Cyclone Jasper


Jules Foxlee

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The southern river crossing of the trail has been reinstated while numerous small landslides and fallen trees have been cleared off the track. Picture: Douglas Shire Council

After months of repair work following Cyclone Jasper, the iconic Cairns Regional Electricity Board (CREB) Track, which traverses some of the most spectacular rainforest on earth, has opened for the first time this year.

Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon said the 71-kilometre track, which runs from just north of the Daintree Village to Cooktown, suffered significant flood damage.

“The southern river crossing of the trail has been reinstated while numerous small landslides and fallen trees have been cleared off the track,” Mayor Scomazzon said.

“A big thank you to Council staff and contractors for all their hard work to open the CREB Track this year.

“I am sure there are many four-wheel-drive enthusiasts who can’t wait to test their skills on the Track’s rugged terrain and river crossings once more.”

Tourism Port Douglas Daintree Executive Officer Emma Tunnock said it was incredibly exciting the “thrilling and challenging” track was finally open after undergoing extensive repairs following Cyclone Jasper.

“It is one of Australia’s premiere four-wheel-drive Tracks and delivers an exceptional experience for visitors,” she said. 

“It’s thrilling and challenging and takes drivers through the heart of the World Heritage-listed Daintree Rainforest.”

Ms Tunnock said the Track was closed every year – generally over summer.

“As we head towards summer and higher rainfall, it may close again - it all depends on the weather. 

“Rain impacts the Track and causes water levels to rise which means you can’t get across the many creek crossings.”

Douglas Shire Council warns drivers to consider weather conditions as even light showers can render the Track impassible. 

Drivers are advised to pack recovery gear, travel in a convoy, and always carry food and water as there may be a need to camp overnight while on the Track.


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