Douglas Shire to unite ahead of Daintree State School's 100th birthday celebrations
Established in its current location in 1924, Daintree State School will celebrate its 100 year anniversary in the coming weeks.
Staff, students and Daintree Village residents have been eagerly preparing for the celebrations for well over 12 months and are set for a weekend for fun, nostalgia and acknowledgement to the rich history of their school and community.
While Daintree State School wasn’t the first School in the region, in 1924 it was built in its current spot as a central location for children in the area, mainly due to its proximity to the butter factory and timber mill that were operating at the time.
From this foundation the original building was expanded upon and additional classrooms where constructed.
Current Principal Jacqui Osborne has played a huge part in planning the upcoming celebrations and spoke to Newsport on the significance of the event.
“It’s an honour and a privilege to be apart of Daintree State School, my husband’s family has huge connections to this school, so I always consider myself lucky to be able to give back to the school and the community," Ms Osborne said.
“In light of what has happened to the community over the last months, it’s great to have an opportunity to get together, celebrate and connect. I think that’s important."
The Daintree State School have also taken on a range of sponsors that have come aboard to help fund the events being held over the weekend.
Major sponsors include the Daintree Eco-Lodge and the Tin Shed, others include the Daintree Village Hotel and the Mossman Bowls Club as well as many other small businesses and contractors who have helped make the celebrations possible.
The centenary celebrations begin on the June 21 with a meet and greet on the Friday night, they will then continue over the weekend with a family fun day on the 22nd, the centenary ball that night and finally a recovery breakfast and cricket day on the 23rd to round off the celebrations.
The family fun day will also involve the opening of the time capsule located at the school.
In preparation for the 100 year anniversary of the school, throughout 2023 the students at Daintree State School did an entire unit on the history of the Daintree Village and even based their end of year performance on what life has been like in the Village over the years.
“This event has also been a great way for students to build connections with the locals, especially those who were past students here at the school," she said.
The Daintree State School Centenary celebrations will be a significant event for the Daintree Village community, Mrs Osborne and others involved hope to see families from all around our area come and take part in this special occasion.

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