VIDEO: Cynthia Lui addresses 'invisible minister' tag, water matters, BRTI grants, Mossman Mill, strained relationships and re-election ambition
Later this year Douglas Shire residents will join their fellow Queensland counterparts and head to the polls as part of the State elections.
Locally, Cook MP Cynthia Lui is looking for another term as our Cook representative.
Just days ago Newsport was granted a rare, extended sit down interview with Ms Lui where Newsport editor Michael Warren asked her a range of direct and poignant questions relating to a range of Douglas Shire issues and matters.
*Scroll to the time frames below to see specific sections of the interview.
These questions and matters included:
0.22 – Douglas Shire’s ongoing water security – What specifically Ms Lui told Newsport she’s done to assist, advocate for DSC residents regarding this matter since December 15 last year.
2.45 – State Government – Refusal of water licenses – Why the State Labor Government and Water Minister has refused to release any water licenses, even on a temporary basis to assist Douglas Shire accommodation and resort outlets.
3.29 – Failed Tourism exceptional grant, BRTI grant applications – What Ms Lui says she is specifically doing to assist many Douglas Shire businesses following so many failed applications.
6.38 – What Ms Lui says she has done to assist the Douglas Shire during Jasper ongoing recovery efforts.
8.17 – Mossman Mill – What Ms Lui said she is doing to lobby for the Mill.
10.49 – Ms Lui on the perceived strained relationships with former Douglas Shire Council staff members.
11.19 – On continually being dubbed the ‘invisible minister’ and why, rightfully, or wrongfully, she continues to be plagued by this title by members of the Douglas Shire and Cook electorate.
12.52 – Bushy Creek advocacy update.
14.01 – On what her legacy will be on the Cook Shire if she isn’t re-elected later this year.
15.16 – On why Douglas Shire residents should re-elect her at this year’s State elections.
16.16 – On why Ms Lui believes she’s still the best person to be reappointed the Cook MP for the next four years.
*Newsport thanks Cynthia Lui and her office for granting this interview.
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