DOUGLAS DECIDES 24' - Pia McKeown Councillor candidate statement
I was born and raised in Mossman. Together with my husband, we have raised our three children in the Douglas shire.
At the age of 20, I became self-employed and have never been afraid of hard work, running restaurants, cafés, clothing boutiques and a transport company with 35 vehicles and 45 employees.
My active involvement in the Chamber of Commerce spans several years, including serving as the vice president in 2023.
As a third-generation local business owner, I have witnessed firsthand some of the challenges this community has faced. With my wealth of knowledge of this area, together with my business experience, I know I can make a difference.
I am committed to being a part of a strong, cohesive council that will move our shire forward.
With the recent cyclone and flooding in our shire and the ongoing issues with Cape Tribulation Road, we require Council to address the problems in a timely manner and actively lobby the State Government for disaster funding to get services back on track.
With the recent loss of water our Shire has suffered during the recent floods, it is obvious that there is a need to improve our water infrastructure and treatment plant to avoid further issues in the future.
As we navigate through uncertainties with the potential closure of the Mossman Mill and face unforeseen challenges, it’s important that we work together as a community to find a great outcome for the survival of all businesses in the shire.
I feel there needs to be a focus on responsible spending and transparency due to the high cost of living and increases in rates, which is impacting our families financially.
There is a need for affordable housing and ensuring housing options are available for all income levels. Council should consider options to provide additional housing and should actively lobby the State Government.
I am dedicated to promoting sustainable development, which is required for our Shire to grow, to have a future for our children and to help create jobs in our community.
I would work to improve outdoor spaces and recreational areas, to ensure facilities are available for our children, seniors and people with disabilities to enjoy.
One of my key priorities is to enhance communication and transparency between the Council and our residents. I will work tirelessly to keep you updated on important matters, listen to your feedback, and involve you in the decision-making processes that will shape our community's future.
I am confident that, with your support, we can build a community that thrives and prospers for generations to come and look forward to working collaboratively towards preserving our diverse shire.
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