Sports participation promotes Fair Play amongst kids

Balls, bats, baskets.
As a nation that prides itself on its sporting culture and history, a drive is on to get more kids into sport developing the next generation of athletic stars.
The AusPlay Study conducted in 2017 found that 74% of Australian children participated in at least once form of organised sport, the Fairplay voucher scheme aims to boost these numbers in turn making for a healthier and more active Australia.
Round seven of the Fairplay scheme has opened with vouchers worth $150 to help cover some costs involved in participation in sport.
As an important initiative of Activate! Queensland 2019-2029 to get more Queenslanders moving, the program supports eligible Queensland parents and carers of kids aged between 5-17 years old with Cairns MP Micheal Healy as a great advocate for the initiative.
“A voucher could be the spark which ignites an elite sporting career ahead of the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games,” he said.
“Although not every young Queenslander with a FairPlay voucher will make it to the 2032 Games, getting involved in local sport and recreation is life changing.
“Playing sport means children are expected to follow rules, accept decisions, and understand that they could be penalised for bad behaviour. It teaches them to take directions from the coach, referees, and other adults. Sport also teaches them about teamwork.
“When they’re playing sport, children learn to lose. Being a good loser takes maturity and practice. Losing teaches children to bounce back from disappointment, cope with unpleasant experiences and is an important part of becoming resilient.”
Research shows there’s a link between playing sport and self-esteem in children with the support of the team, a kind word from a coach, or achieving their personal best helping children to feel better about themselves.
The role of the parent or care giver to get a child into sports is vital as psychologist and head of coach development at the Premier League, Claire-Marie Roberts, has said.
“Parents and guardians play an absolutely fundamental role in children’s introduction to sport, with their encouragement behind the child’s persistence and progression.
“Get children into activities at the earliest opportunity to establish a pattern … you can’t start too early.”
Involvement in sport allows children to play ion a team helps to develop many of the social skills they will need for life while also teaching them to cooperate, to be less selfish, and to listen to other children.
If your child is a Queensland resident aged from 5 to 17 years at the time of application, and their parent, carer or guardian holds a valid Department of Human Services Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card with the child’s name on it you can apply to be a part of the scheme.

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