Summer time is snake time!
It’ssssss that time of year when Far North police come across suspicious looking characters loitering on roadways and lurking in the shadows.
When located on roads, police often conduct extensive negotiation with the reptiles to move them off roadways so they don’t get squashed by traffic.
This is a reminder to locals to be mindful of snakes with the upcoming wet season. This is typically the time of year where snakes are more active around our community.
If you do discover Mr or Mrs Slithers has taken up residency in your home or yard, remain calm and please contact a licenced snake catcher or wildlife rescue organisation.
Do not attempt to move the reptile yourself and do not kill or annoy them.
If you spot a slithery creature on the road, simply drive around them and do not drive over them. If the snake appears in danger you can contact a wildlife rescue organisation as well.
Under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 it is an offence to kill, injure or move snakes from the wild.
For more snake safe information visit this link
And for ‘goodness snake’, have a great summer!
Thank you!
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