YOU SAID IT! Pools of comments about history of lagoon plans
Letters and Comments

Jake Wyatt
It’s the same with all new planned developments. They get planned and talked about for ages and knocked back.
Peter Brown
And now $4.7 million for an oversized sprinkler park to satisfy the millions of toddlers only.
Neil Jabs
Still waiting for the exact cost breakdown to justify a sprinkler park (WITHOUT A POOL) - it appears way way overpriced for what us rate payers actually get …. Oh and it is only good for toddlers. Port Douglas will want to hope they get heaps and heaps of tourists to accommodate this capital expense. The splash park in Mossman hardly ever gets used. Oh and Google inbound International flight to Cairns for 2024/2025. They are down from previous years.
Evelyn Davey
Here comes the very, very harsh water restrictions and most who have supported it will be quick off the mark to complain about the water restrictions when they arrive.
Michelle Simone
How many toddlers to adults in Port Douglas? Ruddy disgrace and waste of ratepayer's money. I have my own pool but I so did welcome the idea of a free public pool in town so that I could enjoy. They have already just given Mossman a kiddies play pool so why on earth do we need a kiddies splash park here?
Daintree boardwalk rebuild
Allen Richard Lavender
About time - thank you - the area requires a great deal of love and attention.
David White
A long time coming.
JB Blockey
Great outcome - just don’t mention the fact that Parks (QPWS) had to close it for safety reasons due to poor maintenance - about 3 years ago… Let’s hope QPWS learns from their mistake. Imagine closing George St in Brisbane for 3 years.
Peter Eldred
Maybe a year and a half?!!! I had to help the guy who fell through the boardwalk!!! I’m glad there is action at the station!!
More delays on Cook Highway
Flick Boucher
If this had happened in SEQLD works would be complete by now.
Astrid StarSeed
Just in time for the school holidays.
Terence Smith
It’s a massive task that in fairness cannot be rushed as it is geological nightmare.
John Achterberg
Been having delays for a year so nothing new.
Paula Martin
Should have already been done You got the $$$ for it but no work done should of been completed already.
Plans to bring cane back to classrooms
Ryan Fudala
Should be teaching kids how to code for ai not how to go broke in a dying industry. What's next, how to shoe a horse?
Sharon Bucknall
So thats a bit confusing when sugar cane in mossman has been closed down and cane in cairns and surrounds are also diminishing so who is this good for. Or have i missed something with the mossman mill etc.
Thanks for great work at Cow Bay
The medical centre at Cow Bay is progressing, which is amazing to see, with all the road works going on, etc, after the Cyclone Jasper floods.
I would like to thank Far North Queensland Traffic Control, the Douglas Shire Council and Hutchinson Builders.
The builders are transporting trusses that are more than 12m long and frames 3m wide across Alexandra Range, liaising with Cairns Hardware, who have assured they they have a transport contractor who can sort it out.
They also need to bring in a lunch room and toilets that are 3m wide.
They’re aware of the parameters – 12.5m for rigid and more than 15m for articulated. And 3m wide will just fit.
Amazing communication skills between all parties for making this possible, and thank you to the traffic controller who makes this possible, communicating with trucks to help make this happen.
Also, other FNQTC employees that open the Alexandra Range at 4.30am seven days a week.
Elroy Woods
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