Urgent Care Clinic for North Cairns an election pledge
Federal Election

Free urgent care, fully bulk billed, without waiting hours in a busy hospital emergency department, will be a reality in Northern Cairns if the Albanese Labor Government is re-elected.
Labor has pledged to open a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic in Northern Cairns as part of a $644m commitment to open another 50 Urgent Care Clinics, with more clinics in every state and territory.
The Cairns’ North clinic would be operational in the 2025-26 financial year, providing bulk billed care for urgent but non-life-threatening conditions, seven days a week, for extended hours, and with no appointment needed.
The Urgent Care Clinic will take pressure off the Cairns Hospital, which saw 30,344 non-urgent and semi-urgent presentations in 2023-24.
Labor candidate for Leichhardt Matt Smith said, at this election, Australia faces a choice: a stronger Medicare with more bulk billing for all Australians under Labor, or more cuts to Medicare under Peter Dutton's LNP.
“Medicare Urgent Care Clinics are an Albanese Government initiative because we believe in Medicare and in free urgent care, fully bulk billed,’’ he said.
"I've been petitioning in the northern suburbs for a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic, and after securing hundreds of signatures, I am proud to announce that a Medicare UCC will be delivered.
“Only Labor will deliver a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic in Northern Cairns so you can get the free urgent care you need, fully bulk billed, without waiting hours in a busy hospital emergency department.’’
Parents and families swear by them: one third of patients are under the age of 15.
All you will need is your Medicare card, not your credit card.
About two million Australians are expected to make use of an Urgent Care Clinic each year, getting the free urgent care they need, fully bulk billed, without waiting hours in a busy hospital emergency department.
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