Tragic loss of popular dive instructor after car rollover
Former Port Douglas dive instructor Jess McQueen has been killed in a car crash in northern Western Australia.
Ms McQueen, 27, was involved in a single-car rollover on the outskirts of the WA town of Exmouth on Monday night after leaving Port Douglas a fortnight ago to start a new job.
Just after 11pm on Monday, March 3, her Toyota Prado station wagon left the main road leading into the small northern WA town, with Ms McQueen sustaining critical injuries and dying at the scene.
“Major crash investigators are urging anyone who saw the crash, or the Toyota Prado station wagon travelling in the area prior to the crash, or who has any information relating to the crash, to contact Crime Stoppers,” a WA Police release states.
The police are calling for dashcam footage, CCTV and mobile phone vision to try to piece together what happened.
Originally from Perth, Ms McQueen began diving at age 8.
She started a new job in 2017 at Blue Dive, which operates in Port Douglas, Cairns and Fiji, where she worked as a dive instructor, private charter host and office manager.
Anyone with any information about the crash can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or
If you or anyone you know is affected by this story, you can call Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.
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