Savannah Sounds first band announcement date decided

Music Festival


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The names of the first bands for music festival Savannah Sounds are about to drop. Picture: Savannah in the Round

Are you as keen as us to find out who the headline acts are for Savannah Sounds?

Well, it seems we only have a few more days to wait for the first announcement. 

The festival organisers have given Newsport the heads-up that the initial release of the acts for Douglas Shire’s newest music festival will be happening this Monday.

For those who haven’t heard yet, Savannah Sounds is a new weekend-long music festival coming to Port Douglas Carnivale from May 23-25.

Festival director James Dein says the first part of the line-up will be finalised by the end of this weekend and released on Monday, March 10.

Dein has previously said of the line-up there will be “some amazing country, rock and pop music”.

Friday night will feature a DJ set, the Saturday program will include some big-name acts, and Sunday will be set aside for more local offerings.

Savannah Sounds is an offshoot of the successful Savannah in the Round festival held annually in Mareeba in October.

Some of the acts playing there this year include former Australian Crawl frontman James Reyne, country vocal star Casey Chambers, Aussie rock legend Daryl Braithwaite and alt-rock outfit Kingswood, as well as a mystery US act soon to be announced.

Savannah Sounds Port Douglas, on May 23-25 at Rex Smeal Park as part of Port Douglas Carnivale, is presented by Douglas Shire Council and major sponsor Newsport.

Savannah in the Round has been estimated to have generated more than $9.4m in tourism dollars for Queensland in 2024. 

And Port Douglas Carnivale last year generated more than $5.7m across Queensland, with about $5m spent in the Douglas Shire, and the event attracted strong interest from both Queenslanders and interstaters.

Savannah Sounds will join other Carnivale events including The Longest Lunch at the Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort, the Street Parade, Beach Day and the Maho Magic Bar, with more event announcements still to come.

For more information and to book tickets go to


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