New duplex for seniors and Mareeba community housing company
Mareeba Shire Council

At the latest Mareeba Shire Council meeting, Mareeba Community Housing Company was granted a three-year extension on the current Service Deed for the management of the Community Housing for Seniors Service.
“Affordable housing is an important issue for Mareeba Shire and one of the ways council can support this is to make additional housing stock available to seniors who are struggling,” Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin said.
“Mareeba Community Housing Company is a not-for-profit organisation and has been doing a wonderful job managing housing for seniors owned by Mareeba Shire Council.
"Council has voted to extend the Deed for another three years,” said Mayor Toppin.
In 2023, the State Government Housing and Public Works Department executed a tripartite Capital Funding Agreement with the council and MCHC to deliver a brand new duplex containing a pair of two-bedroom units to be added to the social housing stock for seniors in Mareeba.
“We are absolutely delighted that this project has just been completed and it means that vulnerable people in our community will be supported with a safe and secure place to live,” Mayor Toppin said.
“Council would like to sincerely thank the Queensland Government for supporting this project and thank MCHC for their work delivering the duplex,” she said.
“Council will continue to advocate for social housing and collaborate with the State Government in the future."
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