Mowbray father and son convicted for drug trafficking

Queensland Courts


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A father and son from Mowbray have been convicted for a series of drug-trafficking-related offences.

A Mowbray father and son have been convicted for a series of drug-trafficking-related offences.

Paul Micheal Heidke, 45, was sentenced in Cairns Supreme Court to nine years and three months in jail, with the non-parole period set at three years and one month, after pleading guilty to several charges including trafficking of methamphetamine during 2022.

And his father Colin Edward Heidke, 73, pleaded guilty to several charges including allowing his son to use his property to traffic the drug.

Colin Heidke was sentenced to three years imprisonment, but most of that jail time was suspended, with him expected to spend about 6 months behind bars.

The court heard drug and cash couriers travelled from as far away as Brisbane to the Mowbray property, where goods would then be transferred to local deliverers and distributed across Far North Queensland.

The 3.2ha property was raided by police on October 28, 2022, seizing drugs, cash and stolen earthmoving equipment.

The pair pleaded guilty to the charges.


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