Works set to commence on $4.75m splash park

Port Douglas Splash Park

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Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon (centre) with Councillors (from left) Damian Meadows, Abigail Noli, Roy Zammataro and Michael Rees. Picture: Douglas Shire Council

The contractor tasked with building Port Douglas’ new $4.75m Splash Park will be arriving next week, with work to begin on the highly anticipated project by mid-March.

Townsville-based JMac Constructions has confirmed it will “mobilise” at Jalunbu Park, Garrick Street on today, Monday, March 3.

Preliminary works will include bulk earthworks and installing plumbing and electrical components.

Mayor Lisa Scomazzon said the anticipated completion date was in late July.

“The progress of this project is weather dependent but Council is confident the community will see this amazing new park operating in the second half of this year,” Mayor Scomazzon said.

“I can’t wait to see the project completed – the new splash park is poised to become a social hub for young families, both locals and visitors alike.”

Council has received grants totalling $2.53m from the Queensland Government.

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