FOOD WATCH: Further soaking rains on way for flood-affected supply routes
Food Watch

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: The bridge is currently open to emergency vehicles, freight and supply vehicles only, but that is subject to changing weather conditions.
BACKGROUND: Ollera Creek Bridge set to open about 8pm tonight for freight and supplies to get through before expected further flooding events from the early hours of tomorrow morning.
BACKGROUND: A new tropical low south of Cairns is expected to impact the most tomorrow with more heavy rain, further delaying efforts to reopen roads carrying much-needed food supplies to Douglas Shire.
And another low in the gulf country and goldfields areas has prompted the Bureau of Meteorology to issue a flood warning for the Kuranda Road region, which may affect flood-prone areas such as Bushy Creek.
A pair of major roads in the south are cut off at Ollera Creek - where efforts to rebuild the bridge on the Bruce Highway are dependent on rain delays - and Charters Towers, with the road heading north from there closed in two places due to ongoing flooding.
At Ollera Creek, the north side closure point is at Frosty Mango ice-cream shop, while the south side is closed at Rollingstone, Queensland Traffic states.
The Gregory Developmental Road is closed from Charters Towers to Greenvale and at Hann Creek, with “long delays expected” today and further into the week.
The Bureau of Meteorology has updated a warning about new tropical low 20U, which is set to dump more rain on the already sodden region between Cairns and Innisfail from tomorrow, BOM meteorologist Miriam Bradbury said.
"24-hour totals are pushing towards 200mm," she said.
A new flood-watch zone has been declared for the hills overlooking the Douglas Shire region.
Although some delivery trucks made it through late last week, huge line-ups are currently gathered near Charters Towers.
Coles has been flying pallets of stock into Cairns to help with restocking efforts, while the Australian Defence Force has also been flying in food for flood-affected areas to the south.
Major supply-chain disruptions have also reached Cape York and the Torres Strait, with the region’s key grocer Community Enterprise Queensland working to fly in extra food to 28 stores.
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