Boat parking concerns ramping up in Port Douglas


Jules Foxlee

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Trailer overhangs parking bay at Port Douglas boat ramp after line respray. Picture: Supplied by Newsport reader

Locals are expressing concern about receiving parking infringements when their vehicles or boat trailers overhang the newly resprayed line markings at the Port Douglas boat ramp car park.

A local tour operator contacted Newsport, stating that the lines have been resprayed and are now "absolutely tiny."

Maybe they should have had a chat with local fishos before changing the ramp," the operator commented.

“Local charter boats have been getting parking tickets for trying to work and parking where they can on a busy weekend. People have been getting tickets even if their wheel is hanging over the line by a small margin,” he said.

“It’s going to be an absolute shit show down there next Saturday with the calm weather. We now have eight parks that are only 10 metres long and eight that are 12m long. 

“That’s an allocation of 16 marked parks for this town built around the reef and fishing. It’s an absolute joke.”

The tourism operator said he did not know why parking inspectors were suddenly issuing tickets at the ramp.

“It has never been an issue before,” he said.

Douglas Shire Council response

In response, a Douglas Shire Council spokesperson addressed the concerns regarding parking inspectors and fines issued on Sundays

In previous weeks, fines have been issued for specific violations such as parking on yellow lines and stopping on nature strips adjacent to roads,” the spokesperson said.

“These measures are in place to ensure safety and accessibility for all road users. Council acknowledges that Sundays are particularly busy and finding a suitable parking space may be more challenging. 

“However, vehicles are to be parked in suitable locations that do not impact on other road users or access to property.”

Regarding the new line markings at the boat ramp, the spokesperson explained, “The new line markings at the boat ramp were implemented to clearly define parking spaces as the previous lines had faded significantly, and to assist with internal circulation. 

“While no boat parks were shortened, the size of modern cars and boats often results in vehicles overhanging the designated spaces, which can cause issues for other drivers. 

“Due to issues with internal circulation and constraints regarding the size of the boat parks, Council is seeking to review the car parking layout to address these issues.”

The adequacy of signage at the boat ramp and in adjacent street parking is also under review.

“Clear and effective signage is crucial for guiding drivers and preventing parking violations. Council will assess the current signage and make improvements where necessary,” the spokesperson said.

Additionally, Council recognised the growing need for more parking in Port Douglas as the community expands along with larger modern vehicles and boats.

In Macrossan Street there is often additional off-street parking behind shops that is not being utilised.

“We appreciate the community’s patience and cooperation as we work to improve parking facilities and ensure a safe and accessible environment for everyone.”

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