All creatures great and small make for unreal fun

Holiday Fun

Bryan Littlely

Last updated:
Wildlife Habitat's Zoe Taylor delights young Melbourne visitors when they met a blue tongue lizard. Picture: Bryan Littlely

School holidays have brought the fun and entertainment to Port Douglas - reptiles "roaming" the streets, lads trying their hand at fishing and even some stunning sand built sea creatures turning up on the beach.

But there is also a serious side to school holidays, with our traders hoping family adventures to the region can turn the tide and get some tourist cash flowing.

Newsport took a tour of Macrossan Street to talk with traders last week, with some mixed views of how the season is going for them.

Look for that special report on Monday, September 30, but in the meantime, here's a taste of some of the fun the region serves up to make it a top tourist destination and a bit of what's on offer this weekend.

From Wildlife Habitat street meets with snakes, crocodiles and lizards, and teaching children about some of the delightful and dangerous creatures of the region, to beach sports and walks, there has been plenty of activity going on around Port Douglas and across the region as interstate holiday makers make their way up to the good country.

After years of planning and delays, the first section of Far North Queensland's ecotourism trail, the 7.8km Wagnetti Trail for dual use track for hikers and mountain bikers taking visitors from Palm Cove Jetty through the lush rainforest to the Ellis Beach foreshore, opened this week.

It marks the first part of the larger 94-kilometer Wangetti Trail, a $47 million project poised to become a major international tourism attraction. Beyond its appeal to tourists, the trail holds cultural significance and provides economic opportunities for local communities.

And a packed weekend of entertainment awaits with the AFL Grand Final between Sydney and Brisbane a feature to be screened in pubs and clubs everywhere, possibly sparking some State of Origin-type rivalry, and the Great Northern Bullriding Series landing in Mossman on Saturday night, are just a couple of the offerings.

Who knows, our talented sand artist might even turn out another fantastic sea creature for the families and the fans!

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