THE YEAR THAT WAS: Relief, real work starts now as it's all hands on deck to transport harvest to Gordonvale


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Matt Watson. Picture: Supplied

From devastating landslides in the wake of Cyclone Jasper to the closure of Mossman's sugar mill, 2024 has been a year that will remain forever etched in the hearts of Douglas Shire residents.

In a series of 12 articles from each month of the year, Newsport Daily looks back on some of the biggest stories that have impacted Douglas locals the most.


The race is on to get the Douglas Shire's cane crush underway, following confirmation the State Government would chip in up to $6M towards the cost of transporting the cane 100 kilometres south to MSF’s Mulgrave Mill. 

Following months of intensive negotiations between Canegrowers Mossman, Douglas Shire Council, Douglas Chamber of Commerce, MSF Sugar and the Queensland Government, Premier Steven Miles announced the government would cover nearly half of the transport costs.

“This is a good economic outcome for the industry, with growers looking to recoup some of the $15M they have put into getting this crop ready,” Canegrowers CEO Dan Galligan said.

“I’d like to thank the Premier, as well as Minister for State Development Grace Grace and Minister for Agriculture Mark Furner, for listening to grower concerns and taking action to ensure Mossman’s 2024 sugarcane crop can be cut and crushed.”

While many Mossman growers were looking to enter into a commercial cane supply agreement with MSF, the reality was that without the government, milling company, and growers sharing in the transport costs, the project would be economically unviable.

“Growers will still need to pay up to $12 per tonne for transport costs, so for some the finances of this arrangement are tight, but they are determined that this crop should be turned into an economic outcome," Mr Galligan explained.

"This arrangement gives growers certainty around this year’s crop and also provides some breathing room so growers can take a little time to consider their next move.” 

Canegrowers Mossman chairman Matt Watson said the government’s commitment was a huge relief for local growers.

“For months we’ve been in limbo, not knowing if someone would swoop in and save the mill or if our crops would be left to rot in the paddocks," Mr Watson said.

“MSF making a commercial decision to receive and crush the cane was the critical first piece of the puzzle, and I’d like to acknowledge the team at MSF for their diligence and persistence in making that happen.

"Finding a funding arrangement to cover the cost of transport has been the stumbling block to making this venture a reality. It’s been an anxious time for growers, but we can all take a deep breath now and start preparing for the crush.”

Mr Watson said there was still plenty of work to do before harvesting could get underway.

“We have plenty of planning to get harvesters ready to fire up, and the mill is also making preparations. But now that we know the harvest is going ahead, it’s all hands on deck to make this happen," he said.

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