Port IGA alleged armed robbery offender allegedly linked to Douglas Shire Council official

In a stunning twist Newsport understands the alleged offender apprehended following the Port IGA armed robbery is an alleged child of a high-ranking Douglas Shire Council official.
Due to the ongoing, high sensitivity of this matter, Newsport will not be naming the staff member.
Newsport accepts that it is our responsibility to report the facts in a highly transparent manner and to deliver equally responsible journalism.
By the same token as a media business we also must ensure we demonstrate a considered duty of care and level of empathy as well about the topics, people and subject matter we report on in the Douglas Shire.
Multiple, well placed Newsport sources have confirmed the link between the DSC staff member and the alleged offender from Sunday's incident.
Newsport understands the alleged offender behind Sunday’s alleged offence is also thought responsible for some other alleged offences in the Shire in recent times.
Meantime, a Police spokesperson confirmed the Port IGA alleged offender was located and in custody at 2.30pm on Sunday, just six hours after in the incident.
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