CELEBRATION: 37 years of joy for iconic Port Douglas business, Jade Inn


Byron Filmer

Junior Reporter

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The Jade Inn has marked 37 years of business in the Douglas Shire. Pictures: Supplied

For 37 years the Jade Inn has stood the test of time.

A family business providing Port Douglas with Chinese cuisine for all to enjoy. From humble beginnings they have grown and adapted as our region grew and the economy changed. Through cyclones, pandemics, and even the loss of a loved one.

The Jade Inn stands strong celebrating a great milestone of 37 years, an impressive feat for a business that deserves acknowledgement.

The Jade Inn was first opened by Karen and Tony Lo in 1987 as a small takeaway shop at the same time the Sheraton was being constructed. Due to the size of Port Douglas at the time they were required to travel to and from Cairns each day to restock supply for the restaurant.

Today, the Jade Inn is managed by Ka Lo who spoke to Newsport on what it is like to run the business his parents begun so long ago.

“Running the Jade Inn has been very rewarding, as you become a place and memory for many people," Mr Lo said.

"For locals you are a source of comfort, for tourists, it is an occasion to visit you."

Being a part of a family business for so many years has meant Mr Lo and his family have made many memories during their time operating in Port Douglas.

For Mr Lo though, one stands out more than others.

“If I could choose one memory, it would be watching my brother flip his first omelette for dinner when he was nine, and how that moment inspired him on his own journey with food,” he said.

From this moment, Mr Lo’s brother Buddha Lo has gone on to compete in and win Top Chef: World All Stars, in the United States.

Over the last 37 years the Jade Inn has become an iconic part of Port Douglas.

This milestone should be recognised and celebrated, as it is businesses like this that help support our area's continued growth.

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